
This month two talented writers are celebrating their debut novels.

What she saw by Wendy Clarke is a psychological thriller. The by-line reads,

‘How far would you go to keep your daughter safe?’

Publication date: 1st May 2019



The by-line for Ellie and the Harp Maker by Hazel Prior reads,

‘Sometimes it takes a chance encounter to discover what your life can be . . .’

Publication date: 2nd May 2019

It’s an incredibly exciting time for these two writers, but don’t for a minute think they’ve always had it easy.

They have both worked hard, very hard. They have had successes along the way, but they’ve had disappointments, too. One thing I know about both of them is that they never give up, and because of this they are an inspiration to people like me who want so much to be able to say, one day, here’s my debut novel.

I’m planning to read both these novels.

I’m also planning to keep on writing mine.

Congratulations Wendy and Hazel. Enjoy every moment of your special days.

Frog: (promising to work hard)

One day, oh yes, one day…

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